Welcome to Klickitat
County Washington Genealogy Research

Goldendale Main St circa
My name is Bob
Jenkins and I created this
website to provide genealogy
information and links to genealogy
information to assist people in
their Klickitat County Washington
I would appreciate any
contribution that you would like to
make to this site:
biographies, obituaries, birth,
marriage, death info, grave info,
Use the box below to
for Klickitat
County Data
Klickitat County, located in
south central Washington, has a geographic
area of 1,880 square miles and ranks 16th
size among Washington's 39 counties.
The area was once home to the Klickitat
and Wishram tribes, both of which
ceded the land to the U.S.
government in 1855. Bordering Klickitat
County are Skamania County to the west,
Yakima County to the north, and
Benton County to the east. The Columbia
River forms the southern border. The
southernmost portion of the Yakama
Indian Reservation extends into northern
Klickitat County. The Klickitat and
White Salmon rivers, both
tributaries of the Columbia, flow through
Klickitat County.