My name is Bob Jenkins and I am the Maui County Coordinator.

 We have many genealogical resources available here.

We would appreciate any contributions you would like
 to make to this site.
 The county of Maui includes the islands of:
                                   Maui, Lanai, Molokai and Kahoolawe
Use the box below to search for
  Maui County data

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 Births  Cemeteries
 Deaths  History  Maps  Marriages
 Message Board
 Obituaries  Photos  Resources
 Surnames  Vital Records  Volunteer/Lookups

 I stumbled upon this video of  Kaui, Maui and Oahu.... it has nothing to do with genealogy but was very impressive
 so I added it here.  Turn on your speakers and put it in full screen mode and   enjoy the sights !!
                                                             Oahu, Kaui and Maui

 Visit neighboring counties by clicking their link below
 Honolulu  Kalawao  Kauai

                  Co-State Coordinator:     Doreen Harunaga-Ewing  
Co-State Coordinator:     Bob Jenkins       

The HIGenWeb Project sincerely thanks the dedicated volunteers who devoted time and effort toward making this site a successful one:

Jill Ching                1997 - 2000
Kevin Fraley          2002 - 2003
Maggie Stewart    
2003 - 2006
Katy Hestad           2007 - 2008
Charles Barnum    2008 - 2009
Mary Ann Hetrick 2009 - 2018

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