About Us

The sites in the USGenWeb Project would never be successful if it were not for contributors and volunteers!  If you have anything you would like to add to Hawaii County, please email me anytime!  If you have information you would like to add for a different County in Hawaii, click here for a full list of the counties and County Coordinators.  If the county you are looking for is in a different state, please visit the USGenWeb Project and pick the state of your choice, located on the left hand side of their page and from that state click on the appropriate county, borough, or  parish site.

The HIGenWeb Project is a grass-roots all volunteer genealogical/historical effort.   Each county webpage is commercial free and contains useful tips, online databases particular to that area, volunteer lookups, surname queries, descriptions of local libraries, historical background information, contact information, and much more.  All information is free.  For more about the HIGenWeb Project, or more information on volunteering, contact the HIGenWeb State Co-Coordinators Doreen Harunaga-Ewing or Bob Jenkins.  If you would like to volunteer by submitting information to county sites, please contact the County Coordinator by selecting their name from the HIGenWeb Site.

Many thanks to previous Coordinators Trish Elliot-Kashima, Jeannette Harper and Daryl John Lytton for their hard work.

Hawaii County Coordinator
Doreen Harunaga-Ewing

©February 2026Doreen Harunaga-Ewing, Hawaii County Coordinator