King Kamehameha & The Naha Stone

The Naha Stone, ca 1935
Photo courtesy of the Hawaii State Archives Digital Collection
Current location:  in front of the Hilo Public Library

King Kamehameha I as an older man

The 5,000 pound Naha stone was originally moved from Kauai by the Wailua River.  It was brought to Hilo on a double canoe by high chief Makaliinuikualawalea and placed in front of the temple Pinao.  The story goes that as when a baby boy of Naha stock was born, he would be brought to the stone and laid upon it.  If he was quiet then he would be said to be a Royal Naha prince and if he did not lay still, he would be cast out as a commoner.

The legend went on to say that if anyone could lift the stone, he would become a mighty King of the Island of Hawaii.  Many tried and failed to move it.  According too the story, Kamehameha lifted the stone at age 14, and was the only person to ever do so.

Kamehameha went on to unite the Hawaiian Islands.  King Kamehameha was born ca 1758 and died May 1819.  

link to: Hawaii Nature Notes from 1952 The Legend of the Naha Stone

link to: The Legend of the Naha Stone The Legend of the Naha Stone

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©February 2026Doreen Harunaga-Ewing, Hawaii County Coordinator