
Hawaii was settled by immigrants.  See the Immigration Timeline.  

The people and culture of Hawai'i today is a meld of many racial extractions and cultures.  We see a lot of cultural events originally celebrated by one culture being accepted and celebrated by all the other cultures in Hawaii.

I am Japanese so I grew up with bon dances, tōrō nagashi, and a great respect for the elders.  But, I also grew up with Christmas, Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, Easter, Kamehameha Day, Kuhio Day, May Day, etc.

In this section, I am publishing a small history of some of the more public cross cultural events that happen in Hawaii.  Weʻve tweaked some like May Day to make them solely a Hawaii tradition and others like the Lantern Floating ceremony that weʻve attached to other similar cultural events.

@February 2025                       Honolulu County Coordinator Doreen Harunaga-Ewing