
Documentary Film on YouTube:  Hawaii Like You've Never Seen It Before 

Archives of the Honolulu Star Bulletin, Counting Down to the year 2000, Hawaii Looking Back, 1999 May 5 - Nov 8, a recap of Hawaiʻi's milestones

Ancient Hawaii - Article on Wikipedia with links to other articles within Wikipedia

Bishop Museum - Museum Bulletins  

Hana Hou! Magazine Index - from Hawaiian Airlines contains many articles about Hawaii

Hawaii Genealogy Trails - from Genealogy Trails History Group

Hawaii History website - Hawaiʻi Events Chronologically

Hawaiian Journal of History - Hawaiian Historical Society

Ka'ahele Hawai'i - A Webzine about Hawai'i

Hawaiian Legends of Old Honolulu - W.D. Westervelt; published on Sacred-texts website

Hawaiian Mythology - Study of Hawaiian mythology by Martha Beckwith, 1940; published on Sacred-texts website

Honouliuli Internment Site - National Monument

Japanese-American and Nikkei Museums in Japan

Japanese-American Internee Data File, 1942 - 1946  The National Archives Access to Archival Databases.  Aside from the Honouliuli site, many of the Japanese-Americans from Hawaii were shipped to the mainland.

National Park Service - Hawaii  

Oahu Historic Properties - Historic Hawaiʻi Foundation

Picture Brides - 





ulukau - Books of Old Hawaii

USGW Archives - Keepers of the Culture by Darlene E. Kelley

Wakamiya Inari Shrine

—————————————— Updated Mar 2020 —————————————— 

@February 2025                       Honolulu County Coordinator Doreen Harunaga-Ewing